From clay to cup

Turning clay

In the studio everything is handmade by Thaïs and finished in 4 to 6 weeks.

The correct amount of clay is weighed and centered on the turntable.

Once the clay is perfectly in the center, we can start making the shape.

After shaping, the drying process starts. This is done slowly, so that the water can evaporate from the clay.

Once the clay feels a bit leathery, we 'twist off' clay.

This means we turn a nice foot on the piece and remove excess clay.

In this way, or piece doesn't become heavier than it needs to be.

In the oven

After this step, the clay has to dry out a little further before it can be fired for the first time.

We call that first encounter with the oven the bisque tray. No glaze is applied yet and the oven is heated

to 1040 degrees. 

After this first bake, we will glaze.

When enought pieces have been glazed, we start baking again. 

This second baking is done at an even higher temperature, 1240 degrees. 

By firing, the clay turns into stone.  This ensures that your crockery is definitely waterproof.

The oven can be opened after approximately 36 hours.